Monday, June 13, 2011

Completed: 5 Chores in 2.5 hours!!

Last night I made a rather conservative "To Do" list so that 1) I wouldn't feel overwhelmed and 2) I would feel a sense of accomplishment by getting things done.  When I woke up today, I got started right away on my chores because, knowing me, if I sat down to have a cup of hot cocoa and turned on my computer, I wouldn't get to my house work until the afternoon, if at all.

The big project for today was putting up the window film.  I covered the lower two rows of panes on the French doors in the family room and only two window panes in the living room because I ran out of film.  Watch the progress in the family room:

And here is the new dog's-eye view in the living room:

I think this is going to work!  Peace and quiet will be restored.  Well, as much quiet as can be expected with a terrier in the house.  But I'm eliminating the temptation for Siobhan to bark.  And I'll be able to remove the dining room chairs from in front of the living room windows so I can make way for a grand piano.

A hui hou!

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Doggie T.V.

Here is Siobhan watching her "television."  Her favorite show?  Scavenger Squirrels.  Those squirrels can really get Siobhan riled up when they are out there raiding our avocado tree.  She will jump almost 6 feet while barking at a decibel level that rivals jet engines. 

Therefore, I went to Home Depot today to get more window film to cover the lower panes of glass.  I love looking outside and so does Maya cat (especially late at night -- Maya will sit right where Siobhan is in the picture and stare into the dark abyss).  But I will sacrifice the view of my lawn to keep the barking down to a  minimum.  I will still maintain the top half of my view and Maya can sit in her cat condo and look outside (you can see part of the cat condo on the right side of the photo). 

If this works, I will also put window film on the front windows which are floor to ceiling.  When Siobhan sees something out those windows, not only does she bark but she jumps up and hits her paws on the windows, scratching the windows and wood.  I currently have three dining room chairs in front of the living room windows to keep Siobhan away from them. 

A couple of years ago, at the advice of our dog sitter, I actually spent hours installing curtains on the OUTSIDE of the French doors.  Because Siobhan couldn't see very well through the sheer curtains, it did stop her barking and jumping.  But I couldn't see outside!  So I eventually took down the curtains and put window film on the sides of the French doors and it worked.  I just didn't put it on the French doors at that time because I wanted to keep my view of the outdoors.  But now I can't take the barking and jumping anymore. 

I'll let you know how it works.

A hui hou!

Friday, June 10, 2011

The First Day of Summer Vacation 2011

Now that summer is here, maybe I'll do a better job of blogging and posting pictures.  Today was a bit uneventful.  Dentist appointment (no cavities!), put away crap that has been lying around the house, trimmed the rose bushes, and now watching the first season of The Glades

Today's picture #1:  Malie doing what she does best ... SLEEPING!  She lay down on her dog bed and placed her head on the pillow that was there from the night before.  Usually she hangs her head over the edge but this time she placed herself perfectly so that her head was on the pillow.

Pictures #2 & #3:  Anna sleeping on the same dog bed.  Anna has NEVER been on that dog bed so I had to snap a few pictures of her.

That's it for today.  I really need to stop multitasking and just watch my show so I can stop rewinding.  A future post might be on the use of lay versus lie since I had to keep looking it up for this post!  Still not sure I used the correct words.

A hui hou!