Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Lazy days of summer!

I've been remiss writing my blog. I thought I would write at least two or three times a week. I'm writing this one on my new iPad, so generously provided by work!

So, what have I been doing? Taking ballet class once a week only, working on revamping the curriculum for the next school year, working in the yard, cleaning the house, taking aquacise (which my younger son says is for old people), crocheting friendship bracelets for my 7th grade girl advisees, reading, and watching all 12 seasons of Midsomer Murders!

I am obsessed with murder mysteries! Watching shows on t.v., reading books. I love to try figuring out who done it! I was like this in elementary school. My favorite books were the Encyclopedia Brown series. Sometimes I think I should have been a police detective. (I like shooting guns too!) But i don't think i could have handled the stress. If my work as a teacher keeps me up at night now, there's no way I could sleep if I was a detective! Maybe in my next life.

For now I'll settle for teaching ballet. Did you know that orchid is a Greek word meaning testicle? I digress, that was a quote from Midsomer Murders which is playing in the background. I better get back to my murder...

A hui hou!

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